Sunday, 26 July 2015

baca buku • Bumi (Tere Liye, 2014)

(Minor Spoiler Alert!)

Beberapa hari yang lalu, setelah sekian lama ngga baca novel karena terlalu terpaku mencari filem-filem referensi, mata gue menemukan sebuah buku lumayan tebal bersampul menarik. Sejak awal masuk toko buku, entah kenapa gue tertarik dengan dua buku bertajuk Bumi dan Bulan yang ditulis oleh pengarang yang sama, Tere Liye. Kebetulan bokap punya salah satu buku karya pengarang ini, dan katanya bukunya bagus. Dan siapa yang ngga tahu Hafalan Shalat Delisa, minimal tahu lah filmnya (yang dulu sukses bikin gue nangis-nangis sendirian bersama televisi dan tumpukan tisu), yang juga dikarang oleh orang yang sama. Setelah baca sinopsisnya, gue semakin tertarik. Buku fantasi, gais! Gue suka banget genre itu. Tapi karena takut menyesal, gue belilah buku pertamanya dulu, Bumi. (Terus gue menyesal cuma beli yang pertama ketika gue sampai pada lembaran terakhir novel tepat waktu tengah malam, karena greget gemes penasaran lanjutannya.)

Dan, wow, gue benar-benar-benar suka.

Meskipun awal ceritanya terlalu lama, mungkin karena dari sudut pandang orang pertama dan pendalaman latar belakang karakternya cukup lama, mulai dari Raib, si tokoh utamanya, dan keluarganya, kemudian sahabat sebangkunya Raib, Seli, dan sahabat-musuhnya Raib, Ali. Awalnya cukup ngejlimet, ditambah tokoh-tokoh lain yang membuat semuanya semakin kompleks. Mungkin karena ini build-up untuk novel berseri, jadi memunculkan banyak pertanyaan yang seiring waktu dan buku akan terjawab? Gue pribadi sih suka, karena bikin penasaran, bikin ngga bisa lepas. Sampai gue makan sambil baca buku (yang jarang terjadi, karena makanan adalah cinta pertama dan terakhir gue), dan sampai kesal sendiri sama naluri alam gue untuk buang air kecil karena ingin menamatkan buku itu dalam sekali duduk.

Tapi ya agak kaget sih pas pertama baca bab-bab awal kayak novel TeenLit, haha. Ada kejadian agak buruk menimpa keluarga, terus ngga sengaja ada masalah sama kakak senior, masalah jerawat, masalah benci-bencian sama anak cowok di sekolah, agak redundant gitu. Terus ada detail-detail kecil yang kelewat, kayak mamang bakso ketukar dengan mamang batagor, lamanya pernikahan orang tua Raib beda, hal-hal kecil yang sebenarnya ga begitu penting. (Tapi jadi sadar karena belajar continuity di film hft). Anyway, bagian serunya baru mulai kira-kira hampir seperempat dari novelnya. Tapi ya, semakin ke belakang, terbayar kok dengan keseruan perjalanannya.

Gue suka gimana Tere Liye mendeskripsikan ceritanya, lumayan mengalir, jadi meskipun berbelit di awal, tetap enak buat dibaca. Ikut tegang pas kucingnya Raib diancam, ikut dag-dig-dug pas Tamus, si antagonis, berantem sama Miss Selena, guru matematikanya Raib. Rasanya kayak ikut ada di tempat itu dan melihat mereka berantem. Sampe-sampe gue sempat ikut simpati sama Tamus ketika dia cerita tentang masa lalunya. Tapi bagian paling asyiknya pas mereka di dunia pararel sih, deskripsi tempatnya enak banget bikin beneran kebayang dunianya kayak gimana. Kompleks, tapi dengan deskripsinya itu gue bisa menempatkan karakter-karakter buku ini di dunia yang terasa nyata meskipun cuma karang-karangan.

Masalah karakter, karakterisasinya belum terlalu kelihatan, tapi deskripsinya bisa bikin lumayan jatuh cinta sih. Meskipun bikin lambat, gue bisa mengapresiasi karakter Mama-Papanya Raib yang dinamika interaksinya menggemaskan, yang kemudian mirip pasangan yang ada di dunia pararel. Gue bisa suka tiga remaja kelas 10-9, Raib-Seli-Ali, mengikuti roller-coaster emosi dalam perjalanan mereka. Gue bisa suka manusia-manusia dunia pararel yang ketiganya temui dalam perjalanan mereka. Karakter-karakternya sungguh lovable.

Gue pribadi suka karakter Ali, si jenius dengan kepekaan sosial minim, haha. Mungkin karena gue paling bisa relate sama karakter jenius tapi dungu ini. Sama-sama berantakan, kepo berlebihan, dan jarang peduli sekitar, serta kurang ajar, aha. Tapi yang agak ganggu, mungkin karena ini dari sudut pandang Raib, kalimat 'jenius' dan 'rambut berantakan' dan 'biang kerok' terus-terusan dipakai untuk mendeskripsikan Ali. Tapi, ya, manusia banget ngga sih, mengidentifikasi seseorang dengan suatu sifat yang menonjol? Jadi, oke lah. Oiya, gue juga suka perumpamaan-perumpamaan Ali untuk menjelaskan teori-teorinya, seperi Teori Lapangan Olahraga dan Teori Ikan Buntal.

Alur cerita lumayan standar, polanya The Hero's Journey, seperti yang sering kita temui dalam bacaan atau tontonan petualangan (contohnya Star Wars, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, dkk). Sempat terbersit kemiripan dengan heksalogi(?) (pokoknya 6 buku, apalah namanya) The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel-nya Michael Scott. Yeah, impresi pertama gue sih serial Bumi dan kawan-kawan kayak heksalogi(?) itu versi Indonesia, dalam arti yang positif. Sama-sama menciptakan dunia fantasi yang keren, sama-sama captivating, sama-sama bikin jatuh cinta. Bedanya, The Alchemyst, buku pertama heksalogi(?) Nicholas Flamel ngga pake ba-bi-bu panjang langsung jder! bertualang. (Catatan kecil: Serial Nicholas Flamel ini salah satu novel fantasi favorit gue.)

Oiya, gue sempat baca beberapa review orang-orang yang bilang kejadian-kejadian di novel ini serba kebetulan dan memberikan kemudahan, tapi menurut gue pribadi sih itu terjadi di semua cerita petualangan? Ya, cuma pendapat gue aja, haha.

Overall, gue sangat merekomendasikan buku ini. Jarang-jarang, kan, ada novel fantasi petualangan dari pengarang Indonesia? Seru kok, gue rasa cocok untuk generasi penyuka Harry Potter, atau mungkin, penyuka heksalogi(?) Nicholas Flamel. Buku keduanya, Bulan, lebih seru dari Bumi. Mungkin karena petualangan yang diceritakan di buku Bumi lebih domestik? Gue sangat menunggu novel ini naik ke layar lebar, kayak kebanyakan novel-novel Indonesia sekarang ini. Tapi gue rasa sulit dengan kemampuan perfilman Indonesia sekarang, hahaha.


End note: Ngomong-ngomong, gue pikir Tere Liye itu perempuan. Ternyata laki-laki. Untung insting saya bilang untuk pakai m8/mate pas dengan semangat bikin status di media sosial, hampir saya bilang mbak. Ah sudahlah. Ngomong-ngomong lagi, setelah galau seharian kepikiran dan penasaran, gue akhirnya beli Bulan. Sungguhhh ngga kecewa, saya kelewat bahagia. Buku kedua ini lebih feels lagi dari yang pertama. Sedih harus tunggu 2016 untuk lanjutannya, Matahari.

Friday, 24 July 2015

fotonya • the sea's bride

He kisses her between her toes,
waves himself gently around her,
caresses playfully in between her hair, 
and that's how the Princess fell in love with the Sea.

`Someday, I'll be a seafarer,`
she whispers solemnly, in between promise and a prayer.

Photographer — Fransisca Theodora
Model — Michelle Hendellyn
Concept — Fransisca Theodora, Mediva Erviani, Amanda
Make up — Astrid Wulandari
Wardrobe — Michelle Hendellyn, Fransisca Theodora
(Made for Photography 1 Final Examination, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, 2014)

Unbranded dress, Michelle's
DIY veil

A repost from a year ago, before the blog went glitchy and everything went wonky.
Read: I accidentally clicked the wrong button and deleted all the pictures.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

curhatnya • transatlanticism

The rhythm of my footsteps crossing flood lands
to your door have been silenced forever more.
The distance is quite simply much too far for me to row,
it seems farther than ever before.

Oh no.

I need you so much closer.

——Death Cab For Cutie——

(Teruntuk kakanda.)

Friday, 10 July 2015

dora the explorer • i felt young, never change my crooked heart.

There is something fascinating about getting lost in an uncharted area around your hometown. Almost as thrilling as traveling somewhere new, or going to the uni for the first time. It's adventure! We don't know what will happen, even though it's proli only a kilometer or so from your house. My hometown has a lot of small roads that leads to weird places. The small town itself is about 30 minutes to an hour from the city by car depends on what route you took. There's this one route that I considered 'scenic' because you'll encounter lakes and bamboo forest (sort of) and stuffs.

Anyway, last Wednesday is a combination of getting lost and walking down the memory lane at the same time. On April 2015, PT. KAI (the train manager company thing in Indonesia, lol) reopened an old route that's supposed to be operated in the 90s but stopped because of the monetary crisis in 1998. This railway is literally next door to the school I used to go to as a child, so I'm quite familiar with it. We even followed the railway to an abandoned train station once when I was in the fifth grade. Anyway, because the trains got popular (so popular that it is packed and scary most of time), the route is now on again, but only two stations are reactivated. The one on the very end of the line, called Nambo (NMO), and the one I visited in fifth grade, called Cibinong (CBN). There are two other train stations in this route but one has gone terribly ruined, and I didn't see the other one in our trip.

Yes, we (as in, Yunita, Gung, and I; always the trio) took the train to Nambo because we are curious about it.

But first, let's talk about the train station.

(Cibinong Train Station.)

Somehow, it looks smaller than I remember. Almost downright tiny; with no proper platform and seats. The building is quite pretty, though; unlike the modern silver-colored train stations nowadays. Some people said that this building resembles a villa; well, I can see why. To go here, you can take any public transportation that goes to or through Cibinong Bus Station. There's a small road across the bus station, next to Indomaret. The train station is not too far, proli 5 minutes of walking? It's on the right side of the road and if you do not know where it is, you'll proli miss it (just me and my bad sense of direction, most likely). There's an Alfamart next to it, as a pointer.

The platform is bizarre. The yellow line area is so wide, probably because it's made around the 90s and the train is not as slim as it is now? You can stand there and proli still be so far away from the train, because the rail is also a little bit far, so the gap between the platform and the train is larger. It's really funny-looking for me.

Anyway, the route to Nambo is proli also one of those route that I'll call scenic. It is really really pretty, because there's a lot to see, from mini-forest, to huge river, to the highway, to a prison, and a cement industry, lots of industrial building that looks like it's from zombie apocalypse movies, and mountains. If you ever took a train to Bandung from Jakarta, this is like that in ten minutes trip, probably.

In the end, it's nothing really extravagant; of course it's not the same as traveling abroad. But I'm very very happy and impressed with it. There's a lot of beautiful place that you can see everyday, it's proli only around 15 minutes from your home, if you have the will to explore it.

End note: Like every time Berliners hang out, we ended up with a 1.5 liter of soda and various snacks in front of the computer or the telly. It's almost like a tradition, and it's heartwarming that we still do that after all these years. Last Wednesday, we ended up playing the Sims 3; Yunita and I recreated Gung and this one girl that used to adore and like and love Gung so much (sadly it is not reciprocated) and try to make them be a couple in the Sims. I was like, "YASSS" the whole time and we laugh until I cry. 'Twas a good day.

Photos by me, taken with Jess' Minox Leica camera.
{ Find Jess here! }
Title from Wild Heart by Bleachers.